Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Charles David Rutledge and His Mother

Mary Cornelia created a photo album for her first child, Charles David Rutledge. On the inside cover she wrote this in white ink on the black page:
Charles David Rutledge
Born Oklahoma City, Okla.
Oct. 28, 1918 5:15 AM
8 ¼ lbs. Dr. Fowler’s Mat’y Hosp.

I won't post all the photos because some of them are repetitive. Others are faded and, frankly, not very good. Some will be posted on David Oscar Rutledge's blog because they feature his relatives. She wrote all the labels in white ink, so some of them are difficult to read. Scanning the page soI can increase the size of the image has helped me read them. 

I love this photo of little Charlie. As soon as I saw it I knew it was Dad because I swear I've seen that same expression on his adult face. I think I've even got a picture of him to prove it. If I find it, I'll revise this blog post and add it.

Notice the background. Lots of open space and few homes.

Charles David Rutledge 5 mos. 2610 N Robinson
 I think this photo is precious.

Mary Cornelia holding her son Charles David Rutledge 5 mos. 2610 N Robinson
Mary Cornelia and her son Charles
July 1919 Spaulding Park, Muskogee, Oklahoma

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Mary Cornelia McGhee Rutledge

Mary Cornelia McGhee Rutledge on the  her house in Little Rock, Arkansas